
密歇根州立大学丹佛 珍妮·戴维森总裁, Ph.D.

珍妮·戴维森博士.D., has served as president of Metropolitan State University of 丹佛 since 2017. She is a national thought leader in higher education and on topics such as public service, U.S. 外交政策和国家安全.

As president of Colorado’s third-largest public university, Davidson is a fierce advocate for 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s 17,000名学生. 从她刚进校园的那一天起, 她支持公立大学在“坚守美国梦”方面发挥的作用.她坚定地主张为“童年来美暂缓遣返计划”(Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals)接受者争取合法地位,并支持密歇根州立大学丹佛分校(密歇根州立大学丹佛)的无证学生, 代表名额不足的学生, 还有军人和退伍军人.

Davidson has spearheaded the development of high-quality, 以就业为导向的本科和研究生学术课程,服务于科罗拉多州的社区并推动其经济发展. She launched the University’s 从教室到就业中心, 连接ing students with employers for a direct pipeline into the state and national workforce. 她还监督了密歇根州立大学丹佛健康研究所和公共服务研究所的创建。丹佛健康研究所是由健康相关领域的10个学术部门合作成立的,旨在解决该州医疗保健行业的短缺问题, 哪个专注于激励, 准备, 并使学生能够在政府和非营利部门的职业生涯中服务.

Prior to her time at 密歇根州立大学丹佛, Davidson served as the 32nd undersecretary of the U.S. 海军. 在经历了近30年的学术生涯后,她被时任总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)任命为海军“指挥官”, 文职和军事服务.

She has taught at George Mason University, 乔治敦大学, Davidson College and various professional military schools, and was an aviation and aerobatics flight instructor at the U.S. 空军学院. She recently returned to the classroom at 密歇根州立大学丹佛, 共同教授一门关于美国言论自由的哲学和法律渊源的课程.

Davidson began her career as an Air Force officer and cargo pilot. 她是空军中队军官学校的杰出毕业生,是第一位驾驶空军战术C-130的女性.

Her various honors include: HillVets Top 100 Most Influential Veterans; University of South Carolina Distinguished Alumna; Secretary of the 海军 Medal for Distinguished Public Service; Secretary of Defense Medal for Outstanding Public Service; Girl Scouts of Colorado 2018 Woman of Distinction; the Colorado Women’s Chamber of Commerce 2019 Top 25 Most Powerful Women in Business; a 2021 丹佛 Business Journal Most Admired CEO; a 2021 World丹佛 International Women’s Day honoree; and a 2022 9NEWS Leader of the Year finalist.

在国家层面, 戴维森担任国防部政策委员会主席,并在国务院外交政策委员会任职, as a National Association of Public Administrators fellow, and as a life member of the Council on Foreign Relations. 她曾担任总统任命的国家军事委员会委员, National and Public Service and for the Commission on the Structure of the Air Force. 在本地, 她是UMB Financial Corporation的董事,也是the Colorado Concern的董事会成员, 丹佛市中心合伙企业, the 丹佛 Metro Chamber Leadership Foundation and the Rose Community Foundation.


In September 2017, 珍妮·戴维森总裁, Ph.D., laid out her vision for 密歇根州立大学丹佛: to become the model urban university for opportunity, 多样性, 卓越与转型.

Davidson identified five focus areas through which the University could achieve that goal:



1. 加强皇冠体育官网

户外学习的学生学生是重中之重,密歇根州立大学丹佛分校将确保他们获得毕业所需的支持, get good jobs and move up the economic ladder. 这样做, 理大将重新设计学生服务架构,采用最佳做法和创新计划,以加强招聘, 保留, 毕业和就业服务.

The University will work to change the national narrative around student success, epitomized by rankings skewed in favor of universities that cater to the top 1 percent. 密歇根州立大学丹佛分校将利用学生的故事和统计数据重新定义学校“质量”的传统指标,以便反映就业安置和经济流动性等结果.

密歇根州立大学丹佛 will market itself to business leaders, 家长和未来的学生提供的教育是最高的价值和最明智的选择, emphasizing the remarkable success of its graduates – Fulbright scholars, 获奖小说家, ceo和其他许多人.



2. 解决资源萎缩问题

政府的支持处于历史最低水平, 密歇根州立大学丹佛分校将制定一项资金支持计划,以确保它最大限度地利用有限的资源,让所有学生都能实现高等教育的梦想.

大学将在其创纪录的筹款年的基础上,通过制定战略筹款计划,扩大其在这一领域的努力. 推进、营销和传播部门将共同努力,制定一个综合的筹款和品牌战略,以改变目前在州和联邦一级的叙述.



3. 投资于人

教职员工对皇冠体育官网和大学使命的实现至关重要. Accordingly, 密歇根州立大学丹佛 will develop a task force to look at compensation.

Barriers that get in the way of the mission will be identified and knocked down.

The University will become a destination of choice for faculty, staff and students. The community will work to find the sweet spot that includes better employee engagement, 认可和持续授权.



4. 履行承诺

密歇根州立大学丹佛 remains committed to past priorities while also continuing to talk to employers, 家长和社区领导讨论毕业生需要什么才能成功,并开发项目和课程来满足这些需求.

Projects that can be scalable as the institution considers its future will be given priority.



5. 包容地、有意识地领导

网络组将设立五个“面向问题”的理事会,就最优先事项和新出现的问题提出建议. These faculty- and staff-led councils will focus on strategy; academic excellence and student support; culture and the workplace; infrastructure and fiscal responsibility; and efficiency and process transformation.

Inclusive leadership is not just a tagline. It’s the secret sauce for innovation and problem-solving in a large, 人才和多元化的组织.

Davidson will continue to engage with both external and internal audiences. 除了她每周的视频系列, she plans to have monthly fireside chats with employees and pizza parties with students.




从教室到职业中心, the latest innovative venture from Metropolitan State University of 丹佛, 连接s 学生与雇主, 促进现实世界的学习经验,并为科罗拉多州的劳动力管道提升本土人才的技能.?

不仅仅是一个传统的就业中心, C2中心通过与当地行业和社区的战略和强大的合作伙伴关系,创新地加强了学生的学术和专业敏锐度,以确保所有科罗拉多人的公平和繁荣的未来.





卫生研究所是密歇根州立大学丹佛分校十个部门的合作,为进入健康相关领域的学生提供服务. 这一合作将通过使卫生工作人员多样化和培养全人保健方法,促进科罗拉多州的卫生公平. Revolutionizing health in Colorado by breaking barriers, 授权的社区, fostering collaboration and embracing 多样性.





President Davidson is committed to ensuring the safety of the 密歇根州立大学丹佛 community. 她相信教室的安全, offices and public spaces is essential to the health of our learning community.

That said, increasing gun violence is a reality. To be prepared, Davidson asks all community members to:

  • 回顾当前的Auraria校园 应急程序.
  • Put the Auraria Police Department phone numbers on their cell-phone favorites list: 紧急, 303-556-5000; Tip line for text messages, 720 - 593提示(8477).
  • 联系 护理团队 如果你发现有学生陷入困境.

Watch Davidson address campus safety at the March 13 Spring Update:




President Davidson believes that great leadership needs to be inclusive, and that bringing a 多样性 of voices to any discussion will ensure a better solution. 从第一天起, 她呼吁大学领导通过下放决策权来授权他们的团队.


  • 创建Universitywide 咨询委员会 to examine issues of critical importance to 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s mission.
  • 为50位大学领导人举办包容性领导力峰会,为他们的团队提供清晰的主题和工具,以帮助培养包容性. See artistic renderings of the notes from that summit on the 包容的领导 网站.
  • 包括一个 想法捕手 on her 网站 to allow people to submit their most creative thoughts and suggestions.

Watch Davidson talk about inclusive leadership at the March 13 Spring Update:


在接下来的十年里, 丹佛大都会州立大学计划提高人们对其教育优势的认识,同时为所有人提供负担得起的变革性教育.

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